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Life & Wellness Coaching

Kinesiology allows you to dive under the blocks, barriers and sabotages that keep you stuck in old unhealthy patterns


Quickly . . . Easily . . .  and Comfortably




Challenges arise that affect your family’s ability to function smoothly and effectively. These bumps in the road often have a trickle down effect, causing unease in other areas of life and impact other family members.


A LifeArts practitioner we can assist you with a wide range of family issues from learning difficulties, exam related concerns, preparing for the birth of a child, reducing stress associated with family responsibilities and more.


Through the use of kinesiology, which combines Oriental philosophy with Western understanding, we can help you identify and remove the root cause of the issue so you can achieve positive, tangible change in your family.



Self Works


What messages do you hear from yourself every day? Is it a kind inner voice or one that is critical of you?


We all deserve to lead a life where we recognize and appreciate our worth. Sometimes though, our internal critic makes this difficult to achieve.


Kinesiology works can assist you to release these unwanted negative thought patterns or sabotage programs that are obstructing your health and happiness. As a result, you can feel more loving acceptance of yourself and implement empowering ways to think, feel, and act.

Intimacy Works


Sexuality is an integral part of being human. Love, affection and sexual intimacy contribute to healthy relationships and individual well-being.

Kinesiology works can help you to enhance the intimacy in your relationships by improving openness, comfort and satisfaction. This process also enables emotional re-patterning to release past traumas or experiences that are impacting your current relationships.

We are trained in and will draw from over 350 protocols to apply the priority technique needed for you.




We have all had times when we feel stuck and unsure of what we need. These experiences often signify that we are out of touch with our inner self.


LifeArts recognizes that optimum health requires wellness of not only the mind and body, but also the spirit. This integrative focus values the contribution of the spiritual dimension enabling you to live with authenticity and connection to yourself.


Through muscle testing we can help you identify and eliminate the blocks that are preventing you from moving through life in an enjoyable and harmonious way. This tailored approach can assist you to cultivate self-awareness and find the inner peace for which you have been searching.

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