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Equine EnergyWorks
Extending Mind-Body-Energy Medicine to the Equine Environment

It's a team - One horse, one rider, connected to become one performance machine.

Kinesiology gives you the ability to maximize performance of all three.

Ready to Ride

Consider Kinesiology

Kinesiology has been used to help athletes both prepare for, and at,

the Olympics, IronMan Triathelon and with many other events and competitions.

It can be used to both resolve existing problems or to improve and expand baseline athletic performance.


Our team has over 40 plus years experience in Oriental Medicine, Sports Medicine and Kinesiology.


​Western Medicine treats symptoms  . . . Kinesiiolgy removes underlying issues

thus allowing the body to reintegrate it functions properly and heal itself.

Horseback Riding

Competitive Riding Teams

Helping Horse, Rider,

either or both


  • Resolve chronic  physical issues

  • Help acute sports injuries

  • Endurance and recovery

  • ​Jet Lag/Time Zone acclimatization



  • Clearing anxiety and fears

  • Nervous tics

  • Travel stress

  • Anti-Social behaviors

  • Destructive behaviors



  • Performance anxiety

  • Horse-Rider disconnect

  • Improve team connection


Companion &
Rescue Animals

  • Chronic  physical issues

  • Clearing anxiety and fears

  • Releasing past abuse

  • Resolving longstanding trauma

  • Restore trust in humans

  • Anti-Social behaviors


Horse Whisperer

Brief Bio's

Shari Ahlers' love of horses started at an very young age, at around 10 years old, winning a blue ribbon at a local horse show in the Walk-Trot-Canter category. Working with animals also started at a young age with communication and energy work, both of which were further strengthened thru the years with many different kinds of training in both areas.


Her knowledge of Oriental Medicine with her Acupuncture training only deepened her knowledge and connection with animals even further. At this time she can only put needles in humans, but the depth of this knowledge is extremely advantageous when combined with her energy, communications and kinesiology skills. All of these skills help to improve issues in the physical, mental and emotional areas including trust, trauma and abuse.


 She works on animals and humans, and sometimes as a team.  Voicemail -  631-560-0720

Ken Campbell spent his summers, and many other weekends, at his grandmothers in the country where he was with horses every day. It was quite common for him to be asked to care for them when their owners were away.  He has enjoyed ridding trail in both NY and Colorado. As a College Professor Ken made it a point to teach every class about working on horses which always included live demos.  Students were always impressed at how receptive the horses were to energy work and how quickly objective change would occur.


In addition to horses He has worked extensively on human elite athletes and performing artists including the cast of STOMP, and singers from the Metropolitan Opera.

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© 2018-2025 by Kenneth G. Campbell & Erin Davis (Kinesiology Works)

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