Online Offerings
Mind-Body Integration Courses
Practical Applications of
Esoteric Concepts to
generate objective results
A series of short courses to help you understand, utilize and improve your Mind-Body-Spirit connection.
​The mind and body communicate constantly.
What you think can impact how you feel, and how you feel can influence your thoughts
~ Buddah
GOAL Setting as a Healing Art Series
A goal properly set is halfway reached.
- Zig Zigler
Achieve results quickly by learning how to go beyond the words someone is saying and understand how to get feedback from their body/being as to what is really going on around this topic.
"See" the blocks and barriers of their issue by listening to their words, and likewise observing their body signals and emotions to quickly understand the real message the being communicated and to locate and clarify the root cause of the problem and thereby delineate the solution.
Thus the process of History Taking goes beyond passive discovery, and becomes an active process of awareness, integration and self healing.
Goals are dreams we convert to plans and take action to fulfill.
- Zig Zigler
Topic 1 - Conceptual Clarity
Ask and ye shall receive
If you don't know what you want you can't ask for it!
Topic 2 - Specificity
"I want an ice cream cone" doesn't work at Baskins-Robbins
Topic 3 - Making a REAL goal, not just words on paper.
Framework and formats to consolidate
Topic 4 - Maximize the investment
Adding motivation to the mix!
Topic 5 - Activation
Putting the ball in play
Topic 6 - Follow Through
Closing the loop and Checking the changes
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